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    World COVID-19

Coronavirus global health emergency ends23.5.5
WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard
US CDC for Covid 19 controls
Travel to US
Canada COVID-19
China CDC COVID-19
Japan COVID-19
South Korea COVID-19
Italy COVID-19
US Flu

Our World COVID-19


At present, some cities in Canada (especially Toronto and Hamilton) are experiencing outbreaks of RSV, influenza and COVID-19. The children's hospital is full and needs to be transferred to other hospitals. Children with severe fever may have difficulty breathing and urgently need ICU monitoring and rescue. Parents, please note that children's body temperature control ability is poor, and their body temperature will rise rapidly after infection. Therefore, they should be closely observed and cooled as soon as possible (take medicine or physically cool down, and do not wait until the body temperature is high and do not deal with it, which will affect many organs. Especially the brain), the emergency rooms and wards of many children's hospitals are full at present, and some pharmacies are out of stock or have limited purchases of antipyretics for children. Parents, please prepare in advance. During the outbreak, it is most important to avoid contact with sick people, wear a mask when going out, and maintain good health. I hope your children will not be infected during the outbreak. People who are weak and are receiving treatment for tumours and autoimmune diseases should also pay great attention to their own protection and not to be infected. Hospital beds are currently tight and many treatments will be delayed. If you are willing to get vaccinated, please book the vaccine as soon as possible; if you are not suitable or unwilling to get vaccinated, please pay attention to your own protection. F. Jiang 2022.11.11

China does not hesitate to sacrifice economic benefits and adopts strict control measures (vaccination, isolation of patients and contacts, wearing masks, etc.) to control the morbidity and mortality of Covid19 at a very low level; in order to ensure economic benefits, Europe and the United States have not always adopted Strict control measures have kept the morbidity and mortality of Covid19 at a certain level.

We provide consulting services for the prevention and control of coronavirus disease COVID-19: how to spend a small money, to take good care of community life, and ensure that schools, hospitals, manufacturing, restaurant, and commerce can run smoothly, please contact us:

New York coronavirus disease Community Service

Canada coronavirus disease Community Service
Toronto coronavirus disease Community Service
UK coronavirus disease Community Service
Italy coronavirus disease Community Service
France coronavirus disease Community Service

World map of COVID-19
Canada - COVID-19
Canada 加拿大- COVID-19
China COVID-19
China 中国 COVID-19
S. Korea news COVID-19
S. Korea COVID-19
Japan Health-COVID-19
Japan COVID-19
US special case of COVID-19

China COVID-19
Protect 1  2  3  4
Coronavirus disease is mainly transmitted by respiratory droplets and contact. In the epidemic area, the main self-protection is to wear a mask, wash your hands frequently, and reduce gatherings.

Please experimentally study whether it is possible to set a dry and hot drying room in the ward area. Dry the isolation clothing (hanging), N95 masks, goggles, face screen (in the bag) at 65-70 Celsius degrees for 30-60 minutes. Can this kell the Coronavirus and re-use them once? In this way maybe to solve urgent needs when you do not have supply.

Decontaminate and reuse some types of medical masks, see here。

In case of no medical safety goggles, you can try to use plastic wrap and ordinary glasses to make a special goggles (which better then nothing), please see.

Please keep in mind that keeping hand hygiene, wearing protective gown, effective N95 mask, safety glasses glasses and gloves, ensuring nutrition and sleep are effective conditions for preventing Hospital-acquired infections.

Reaserch and prevention:1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 vaccine
9 China's Covid19 vaccine research: Phase III clinical trials are effectively advancing。
China's Covid19 vaccine assistance and export to more than 50 countries.
China's Covid19 vaccine assistance and export to Africa countries.
US donates 500 million covid-19 vaccine doses.
China will provide 2 billion covid-19 vaccine doses.

 China CDC for Covid 19 controls  Travel to China

New York coronavirus disease Community Service

Toronto coronavirus disease Community Service

The information about the coronavirus disease COVID-19 and the US flu provided by our websites mainly comes from the Internet. We can only edit, organize, and link according to our knowledge and judgment. We cannot guarantee the authenticity and accuracy of the information, and it is only for readers reference; Readers need go to ask medical Doctor's advice and related health service agencies before the specific implementation. This website does not take any legal and economic responsibility.

  We can service to the customers in the local cities (such as Hamilton, Burlington, Guelph, London, Cambridge, Mississauga, Toronto ) in Ontario, Canada. We can also service to the customers by e-mail in the other cities (such as Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Halifax,Saskatoon,Saint John,Charlottetown) in Canada and worldwide (such as New York, Washington D.C., San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Chicago, Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Austin, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Indianapolis, Boston, Columbus, Detroit, Baltimore, Miami in US, Brasilia, Mexico city, Buenos Aires, Paris, London, Berlin, Rome, Moscow, Athens, Amsterdam, Madrid, Oslo, Stockholm, Bern, Budapest, Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya in Japan, China Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Wuxi, Jiangyin, Chongqing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, fuzhou, Xiamen, Wuhan, Changsha, Xian, Dalian, Shenyan, Taipei, Hong Kong, Singapore, Seoul, New Delhi, Cairo, Kuwait city).

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Copyright since 2016.12.6, All rights reserved by Feshing International Inc.

World Web +






Venture Capital Projects

  1 Biotechnology Inc.
 Support us to start the development of cheap and massive vaccines against the covid19, mutated covid19 and Monkeypox.

 2 Bio-health Inc.
 Support us to development and listing of bio-health products (good for middle-aged and elderly people) and health web platform.

 3 Art and antique Inc.
 Support us to collect art and antiques, set up an auction company, and establish a web platform.

 4 Co-Real estate development
 The development of tourism chains, retirement communities, and real estate web platforms.

  If you are interested these, please contact us:


New Products


   We supply the safest, the greenest, economical and stable Eco building materials and prefab house system (quickly-assembled) in the world.

Your Donation

  1 ALS- ice bucket challenge
This is a rare incurable disease in the world, the British scientists Hawking is suffering from ALS; the current lack of research funding, hope that the generous donation of loving philanthropists.
 ALS Team

Study in Canada

  Canada is one of the best live and developed country in the world
 Study and Immigration

Chinese Antique Club

  If you like collecting Chinese antiques,  please contact us.

Our Services

1.Web+ Marketing
If you need more customers, please contact us. We will help you expanding your business in local, or Ontario, Canada, US, UK, China and worldwide. You just need a little spending to start.
 Web+ Marketing Team

2.Feshing Club-EIP
We welcome students, entrepreneurs, investors, organizational managers, and service providers to join our entrepreneurial, investing partner club.
 Feshing Club-EIP

3.Study and Immigration
Canada is one of the best live and developed country in the world. If you would like study and immigrating to here, please contact us. Welcome tutors.
 Study-Immigration Team

If you or your children like a bright future, need problem solving, please contact us. We will help you.Welcome tutors.
 Study Team

If you would like touring, searching antiques,shopping in city of Toronto, or you need appraisal your Chinese antiques, please contact us. We will help you.
 Touring-Shop-Antique Team

5.Feshing club-Health
There are many barriers in life. If you don't pay attention and you may die early. If you are in middle-aged, busy with work, and have no time to take care of yourself. If you are retired and economically rich, you hope live health and live longer. please contact us, we will help you live health and live longer.
 Feshing club-Health

6.Feshing Clubs
If you would like join Feshing many interested clubs, or you can offer service to our clubs, please contact us.
 Feshing Clubs

Our Services




  Real Estate

  Oversea Study

  Arts & Antiques
